One-on-One Conflict Management Coaching 

Whether in the context of workplace interactions or day-to-day private life, we can work together to optimise the way you engage in interpersonal disagreements and tensions. 

In short, conflict management coaching can help individuals:

  • Understand their current conflict management responses, identify unhelpful conflict patterns, and the impact on their relationships and professional life;

  • Set goals linked to improved conflict management responses;

  • Gain knowledge and build skills for constructively engaging with conflict.

As part of the coaching process, we will make use of the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an assessment instrument that helps you, the coachee, gain valuable insights into your typical conflict behaviours and the situations that trigger you. My role in this process is to help you reflect on these responses and your hot buttons and together with you identify development areas and tools that will support you in improving your conflict management skills. 

An additional or alternative instrument I use in my coaching process, depending on the coachee’s preference, is the DISC Profiling. Slightly broader in scope than CDP, a DISC Profiling will offer you insights into your personality style strengths, limitations, and communication preferences, as well as insights into communicating with other DISC personality types. Based on these insights, we’d work to identify potential areas of conflict and how to adapt communications styles in a way that improves relationships and avoids potential conflict.

In addition to the CDP and/or DISC assessments, some of the tools and practices we’ll be working with may include, depending on the identified development areas, active listening, emotional intelligence, constructive communication techniques, giving and receiving feedback, working with perceptions etc. 

Furthermore, we may also work together to address a specific conflict you’re currently struggling with, starting from diagnosing what is fueling the conflict, understanding multiple perspectives, and planning for constructive engagement. 

Individual coaching can also be used as part of a more broader initiative in an organisation, designed to improve conflict management at organisational level, in which case one-on-one coaching may be combined with a conflict fitness diagnosis & needs assessment, group training, and teambuilding.

Click here to learn more about Organisational Conflict Management Support.