Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Hi, there! I’m Iulia, the Conflict Medic herself!

I draw on over 10 years of work experience with various international organisations, NGOs, and social enterprises in the field of peacebuilding and social change to design and deliver powerful teambuilding exercises and to facilitate participatory workshops and meetings, with the aim to support organisations and individuals in untapping their human resource potential, conflict transformation skills, communication abilities, and relational competences.

My unique expertise is leadership in conflict situations and workplace conflict management. My approach to conflict is a balanced blend of pragmatism, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and nonviolent communication. In dealing with conflicts, I bring in my experience in peacebuilding, looking at ways in which conflict analysis and transformation tools from international conflict management can be employed in workplace settings. From my work on two documentaries following the teachings and practice of Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Vietnamese Zen master, I draw key insights on dealing with strong emotions and grounding practices in conflict situations.

My certifications include:

Some of the professional networks I’m associated with are the Think Beyond Impact Partners network and the International Security and Conflict Analysis Network

Iulia Jolley-Socea

  • My areas of expertise include:

    - Training development: needs assessment, training design, implementation, and evaluation.

    - Conflict transformation, leadership development, mediation and negotiation, gender and conflict, emotional intelligence, intercultural communication, nonviolent communication, active listening, teambuilding, coaching.

    - Organisational development: human resource management, learning and development, employee engagement etc.

    - Programming: project design, proposal writing, fundraising, resource mobilisation, strategic planning, project management, M&E.

  • Some of my consulting and training work includes:

    - Facilitation: Customised organisational development and communication workshops for Snaga Zene – Grassroots Organisation (Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2013-2014)

    - Co-facilitation: Context Humanitarian Skills Development Programme (Bangladesh, 2015 - 2016). Topics covered: Problem Analysis, Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Humanitarian Work, Monitoring & Evaluation of Humanitarian Programmes, Leadership Development, Coaching, Active Listening and Effective Communication.

    - Co-facilitation: Conflict Analysis and Intervention Design for Humanitarian, Development and Social Projects (Vienna, recurring). Topics covered: Conflict Analysis, Conflict Dynamics, Stakeholder Analysis, Problem identification, Programme development and logframe planning; Monitoring & Evaluation etc.

    - Facilitation: Effective Communication Skills for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation (Vienna, Austria, 2013). Topics covered: conflict dynamics, conflict management styles, communication barriers, active listening, and nonviolent communication.

    - Co-facilitation: Intercultural and Democracy Learning in Europe (Bad Bevensen, Germany, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017). Topics covered: Intercultural encounters and discrimination, conflict transformation, intercultural communication, nonviolent communication.

    - Co-facilitation: Mainstreaming Peace Education in Youth Work - Training of Multipliers (Barcelona, 2012). Topics covered: Facilitation skills, experiential learning, teaching and learning styles.

    - Facilitation: Conflict Transformation and Human Rights (Sierra Leone, 2011)