Individual & 360° Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) Assessments 

CDP assessments can be used in a variety of ways, from individual coaching to leadership development and teambuilding. CDP, as an assessment instrument measuring conflict behaviors, is an excellent resource to increase self-awareness and improve conflict management skills. The CDP is unlike any other assessment tool in that it focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps individuals and teams understand how they respond to conflict, what triggers can escalate conflict, and how to manage conflict more effectively.

The CDP is particularly helpful in team settings. In addition to each individual report, a group report can be generated that outlines team behaviors and responses. This report often opens up the door for effective conversations about acceptable responses to conflict and hot button triggers. Members of the team learn how certain behaviors might inadvertently trigger irritation in their colleagues as well as how to avoid pushing these hot buttons.

Apart from individual CDP self-assessments, The CDP-360 enables individuals to compare their own perceptions about how they behave during conflict with those of their colleagues. It provides a complete “conflict profile” with feedback from bosses, peers, and direct reports. The CDP-360 is particularly helpful for leaders, managers, and high-potential employees for whom conflict can be particularly challenging.

CDP assessments can serve as starting points for broader organisational change, teambuilding and capacity building programmes, aimed at transforming the way organisations deal with conflict.